主演:卢博米尔·班多维奇 Marko Vasiljevic Vuk Jovanovic
剧情:Stevan Jakovljevic, a biology teacher and World War I veteran who fought for the Serbian army, arrives to the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the end of the war and the opening of an ossuary in the village where he used to be stationed with his first company, the Fifth Artillery Battery. Back then, Stevan had to take sudden le…
主演:卢博米尔·科斯特尔卡 克拉拉·耶尔内科娃 米列娜·扎赫里诺夫斯卡 拉多万·卢卡夫斯基 伊日·扬达 卢德克·科普日瓦 米洛什·瓦夫拉 米罗斯拉夫·马哈切克
剧情:本片堪称一部现代版的“格利佛漫游记”,改编自斯威福特愤世嫉俗的社会政治讽刺名著。Lubomir Kostelka扮演现代格利佛,在一次翻车后他突然醒来,走过一片森林后,他开始寻找一个神秘的国度勒普泰,因为他听说那是一个美好的地方,在路上他发现了一只死去的穿着人的衣服的兔子,从它的口袋中拿出来一块怀表,他发现那怀表的时间是反向走的,于是他继续往前走,遇见了…
主演:米洛斯·科佩基 拉多万·卢卡夫斯基 Anita Kajlichova 欧托门·科雷查 Vít Olmer 卢博米尔·利普斯基 Anna Pitasová Vladimír Hlavatý 约瑟夫·赫利诺马兹 Bohumil Svarc 弗拉迪米尔·门西克 Zdenek Rehor Milos Zavrel Bohumil Cernohous Jirí Ruzicka Helena Ruzicková Miroslav Abrahám Frantisek Miroslav Doubrava 卡雷尔·哈布尔
剧情:A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue.
主演:Anđelka Prpić 卢博米尔 班多维奇 Janko Popović Volarić 阿诺·亨伯特 尼古拉·里斯坦诺夫斯基 拉多斯拉夫·米伦科维奇 Slobodan Bestic Marko Janjic Miloš Vlalukin 丹妮卡·马克瑟莫维奇 米莲娜·普瑞德里克 Milica Jevtić Milan Cucilovic Vanja Ejdus
剧情:Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into a whirlpool of crime…